A Better Valentine Gift That Keeps Giving

Let’s start with a needed disclosure, I am no relationship expert. Lol. I am only someone who seeks to guide everyone on the path to create generational wealth. I am doing this as I build my own.

Valentine is a symbol of love. My girlfriend and I always look forward to it. We like the day and we have a fun memory of it. 

I bet you also have someone you can share the day with.

In sharing, we go out on a date, buy the box of chocolates, the perfumes, the cakes, the roll-ons, the different gifts. But if I ask you how many of those gifts exist today? Maybe some. But how many of it has increased in value? None of it I can bet. What if you can give a gift that will keep giving? A gift that your loved one can keep reaping the dividend even after 10 years?

A gift that keeps giving 

13 years ago, my mama wished she could give me this gift but she couldn’t. She wanted to buy me stock of some Nigeria banks. She wanted to put some money in it for me so that in some 10 years time, when it would have appreciated, it can serve as a good base for me. But she couldn’t

One, because she didn’t have the access and two because she didn’t have the money. And I still have that memory till today. You have the access and you have the money today.

Gift your lover a stock plan on Risevest

Risevest allows you to “gift a plan” to anyone just with their email. You deserve to be flogged if you don’t know his/her email. Lol.

It’s a simple step of clicking on the feature, entering their email, choosing a plan, then sending money from your wallet to your loved ones. The minimum you can send is $10.

No matter the amount that you give, many years from now, the money will keep on appreciating and your loved ones will keep reaping the benefits. As long as they keep the plan of course.

That’s it. When you give them such a gift, you are helping them build wealth on a solid foundation. 

The assumption here is that you have a plan  for yourself already. If you are a reader of this blog, you will be disappointing me if you don’t. 😩. But it’s not too late. You and your loved ones can start today.

Read this to know more about Risevest. – There Is Wisdom In Investing With Risevest

Gift them Bitcoin

A lot is going on in the financial world. And even if you don’t know all of it and probably don’t care about knowing all of it, you can lean on the judgment of those who care enough to know it. That was my premise in this article that I believe you should read.

That said, unlike Risevest, you will need your lover’s phone to gift them Bitcoin.

That’s necessary because they need to create an account first before they can own this other kind of gift that keeps giving.

So get their phone, register them with their KYC and buy them any amount of Bitcoin that you can afford. Don’t worry about the price of Bitcoin now. Just gift it to them.

I wrote here how to do a p2p transaction on Binance since CBN has restricted exchanges access to Naira.

Gift your lover Bitcoin. It’s a gift that will keep giving.

Of course, this is not to say you should not go on the date or buy the wristwatch and box of chocolates. It’s just to tell you that there’s even a gift that will keep on giving and that many years from now, you will still talk about it.

You can gift it to your kids and parents as well.